
Dr. 戈登·莫尔顿1998 - 2013



When the 十大彩票网投平台 校董会 began seeking a successor to the institution’s longtime founding president, they knew it was vital to attract someone with vast leadership experience and a deep understanding of the issues facing a young 城市大学.

The board didn’t have to look far to find a uniquely qualified 30-year faculty member, 他几乎从第一天起就在美国的战壕里工作.

“The man didn’t seek the job; 工作找的是这样的人。” reminisced Ken Kvalheim, a USA alumnus and former trustee 参与了戈登·莫尔顿的调查 1998年被任命为美国第二任总统.

18岁的莫尔顿在乔治亚州西南部的一个农场长大 the rigorous task of attending the Georgia Institute of Technology as a co-op student. After receiving a hard-earned degree in industrial management, he was awarded a full 埃默里大学研究生院奖学金. 1966年,莫尔顿加入了学院 新成立的美国商学院.

Possessing the versatility needed by the young University, Moulton established the department of computer and information sciences, and later served as founding dean 美国计算机与信息科学学院(现为计算机学院).

他曾担任计算机服务主任,行政服务主任和一名学生 担任服务和规划副总裁15年.

In 15 years as president, Moulton “transformed the University into one of the nation’s finest educational institutions, a community partner that sets the tone of excellence, and he created an economic development engine at the University that provides countless jobs and resources for citizens throughout Mobile and the region,” said former USA 受托人山姆·琼斯.

- Ken Kvalheim,一位美国校友及前保管委员


总统默尔顿 holding football in the air in the 米切尔中心 with crowd cheering.

In 2007, students collected more than 2,000 signatures in favor of starting NCAA-sanctioned 美式足球和军乐队. 他们拿出了15英尺长的卷轴上面写着名字和 a football to President 戈登·默尔顿 during halftime of a Jaguar basketball game.

“When I think about the success the 十大彩票网投平台 enjoys today, Gordon 我立刻想到了Geri Moulton,”James A. “吉姆”扬塞,美国受托人 谁在大学读书的时候就认识莫尔顿夫妇了.

“Under the leadership of 总统默尔顿, the University has achieved significant milestones in every area, including student enrollment and graduation, academic program development, healthcare delivery, enhancement of student life and the campus environment, research funding, private sector giving, community involvement and economic enhancement, 这样的例子不胜枚举.

“Geri Moulton, likewise, has contributed generously of her many talents, time, resources and energy and has been fully invested in the success and betterment of not only the 大学,而是我们生活的整个社区.

“I find it truly inspiring to work with people who are so committed to the highest 也是这所大学的最佳人选,”扬塞说.


  • 入学人数增加了三分之一,达到创纪录的1.5万人.
  • 授予的学位数量几乎翻了一番,达到75000个.
  • 将奖学金项目增加了四倍,并创建了大学荣誉项目.
  • 扩大其学术声誉和学位课程.
  • Implemented student life enhancements including football and marching band and new 娱乐、餐饮、住宿设施齐全.
  • Completed more than a half-billion dollars in construction, supporting every mission 大学校长.
  • Expanded healthcare through creation of the USA Mitchell Cancer Institute and a major 除了美国儿童基金会 & 妇女医院,补充美国医疗的努力 Center and the physicians and professionals of the USA Health System, who treat more 每年超过25万当地居民.
  • Initiated the first comprehensive fundraising campaign at USA, generating more than $93.500万美元用于支持大学的所有任务.
  • Became one of Mobile’s most powerful economic drivers, employing more than 5,500 people, 每年为该地区的经济贡献30亿美元.
  • Doubled its contract and grant research program, achieving the same Carnegie research 分别是奥本大学和阿拉巴马大学.
  • Created the USA 科技研究园区, employing 600 private sector professionals.
  • 对莫比尔地区的艺术、历史和文化进行了大量的改进.


戈登·莫尔顿校长在十大彩票网投平台的 2011年秋季会员大会. 莫尔顿于1966年加入学院,也就是美国大学成立三年后.

戈登·莫尔顿校长在十大彩票网投平台的 2011年秋季会员大会. 莫尔顿于1966年加入, 在美国成立三年后.

In addition to more than 47 years of service, the Moultons supported USA with more than $7 million in gifts toward numerous institutional priorities, including the USA Mitchell Cancer Institute, 默尔顿塔 and Alumni Plaza, Geri Moulton Children’s 在美国儿童公园停车 & 妇女医院,学生奖学金,教师支持, 美国的创意写作项目,十大彩票平台官网等等. 

莫尔顿的贡献受到了社会各界的广泛赞扬. 他被授予 the Civitan Mobilian of the Year award in 2002, and the Moultons’ service was forever commemorated in 2009 with the naming by USA’s 校董会 of the new landmark 戈登和格里莫尔顿钟楼和校友广场.


“The true measure of a great university is ultimately demonstrated through the accomplishments 对毕业生的认可以及教职员工的贡献 “创造新知识和新思想,”莫尔顿在离开大学之前说.

“The quality of the faculty, the staff and the students in any institution ultimately 我很荣幸能和最优秀的人一起工作.

“We’re a comprehensive University with a huge public service mission, much of which 与我们的医院和诊所有关吗. 这些员工每天都专注于 优良的护理和治疗成千上万的病人和疾病的缓解.

“It has been highly satisfying and a privilege to be a part of an institution that, through its teaching, research, service and healthcare missions, has made and will forever continue to make a remarkable positive impact on the quality of life of countless people.” 

参加2010年剪彩在莫尔顿大厦和校友广场, from 左,受托人博士. Steven P. Furr, E. 托马斯科科伦,克里斯蒂D. 约翰·米瑞. 皮克,唐纳德·L. Langham and Bryant Mixon; U.S. Rep. Jo Bonner; Jim Yance, trustee chairman pro tempore; President 戈登·默尔顿; Geri Moulton; Dr. Joseph F. Busta Jr., vice president for development and alumni relations; the Rev. 托马斯·希尔德. John’s Episcopal Church; Kimberly N. 学监、学生会会长; Dr. Jim Connors, Faculty Senate president; and Alexis Atkins, USA National Alumni 协会主席.

参加2010年剪彩在莫尔顿大厦和校友广场, from 左,受托人博士. Steven P. Furr, E. 托马斯科科伦,克里斯蒂D. 约翰·米瑞. 皮克,唐纳德·L. Langham and Bryant Mixon; U.S. Rep. Jo Bonner; Jim Yance, trustee chairman pro tempore; President 戈登·默尔顿; Geri Moulton; Dr. Joseph F. Busta Jr., vice president for development and alumni relations; the Rev. 托马斯·希尔德. John’s Episcopal Church; Kimberly N. 学监、学生会会长; Dr. Jim Connors, Faculty Senate president; and Alexis Atkins, USA National Alumni 协会主席.

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